
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Making Money Online Report: Teaching Sells

Making Money Online Report: Teaching Sells

Rarely I download an eBook and read it straight to the end. This happened with Brian Clark’s latest report about making money online, which is titled “Teaching Sells.”
The ideas contained in the 22 pages are surprisingly solid and knit together. Do you think that giving your content away for free while charging for advertising space is the best model? Maybe not. Here is a quotation:
If you’re blogging or otherwise creating content online in the hopes of making money, there’s a good chance you’re following a fairly complicated and time-consuming strategy. You’ve got to publish every day and attract lots of links, so that after a year or so, the Google Gods will bless you with plenty of long-tail search results that will bring you traffic.
Once that happens, you’ll have to keep blogging for another year, and hope to build page views, so that you can make money from AdSense or some other form of advertising. The money is pretty meager, but if you work hard, maybe one day it will add up to enough—if you just keep at it and never ever quit producing more and more free content. Or you could simply create content once and sell it over and over.
While I think that the “free content-paid advertising” model still works on some situations, the strategy illustrated in the report can be equally, if not more, efficient. Anyway I am pretty sure you will get some good insights out of it, here is the link to the report (referral link).

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